Just an introductory post
No idea what this blog will be
How often I will post
what I will post
I am sort of testing the waters
discovering what it is about as I go
So feel free to join me
maybe you can help me discover what it is I do not know I am seeking
or maybe discover yourself along the way
Welcome to a New World
my world
This blog will vary depending upon my mood and thoughts and perhaps comments from you. It is a work in progress, a piece of marble waiting for the sculpter to release the object inside. It is a journey of discovery. I have no idea where my blog will go, what ideas it will discuss. But it is my world, so Welcome!
Thanks for Visiting my Blog!
I am curious to learn where the people who are reading my blog are from in the World. I don't know any way to find out except to ask, so I am. I have a Visitor's Poll on the right side. Please take a second to select the best answer. If I don't have your Country listed it is not intended as a Slight (China was suppose to be there; I can't add it now). I quickly realized I could not list every country, so I have continents listed. Feel free to drop me a comment or email as to which Country you reside in if it isn't in the list IN ADDITION to selecting the best answer in the poll. Thanks
hi tim...
I just know this blog's going to be great...
I, like you, also use the net for my news.. i hardly read the paper... the only use it has in my house; after my husband finishes with it; is that I use it to spread on my kitchen tables... keeps the mess of the table..and easier to throw it away!! hehe...
I have a blog running too... tho i doubt it will impress u... im still a rookie at this... but i found blogger more user friendly and creative than the other blog sites on the net...(mystudioworld.blogspot.com)
All the best for a wonderfull blogging year!! Ciao!
Thanks Parvathy
You have the distinction of being my very first comment on this blog.
It sounds like you may be a more experienced blogger than I am. I posted a few blogs at MySpace but I really am a novice and learning the ropes here.
I will check out your blog later. It is still raining here and my satellite internet connection is going and returning
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