Thanks for Visiting my Blog!

I am curious to learn where the people who are reading my blog are from in the World. I don't know any way to find out except to ask, so I am. I have a Visitor's Poll on the right side. Please take a second to select the best answer. If I don't have your Country listed it is not intended as a Slight (China was suppose to be there; I can't add it now). I quickly realized I could not list every country, so I have continents listed. Feel free to drop me a comment or email as to which Country you reside in if it isn't in the list IN ADDITION to selecting the best answer in the poll. Thanks

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Polls - updates

Many of you have voted on the various polls I have listed: New Wonder of the World you'd most like to visit; How Harry Potter had afected your reading habits; Whether you were disappointed with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; Which of the Harry Potter books was your favorite and which was your least favorite.

This is just a snapshot look at these polls.

Of the 7 new Wonders of the World, which would you most like to visit?

18 Votes

India's Taj Mahal leads with 7 votes

Peru's Machu Picchu and China's Great Wall both have 3 votes

The Colosseum in Rome and Brasil's Statue of Christ the Redeemer both have 2 votes

Jordon's Petra has 1 vote and

Mexico's Ruins of Chichen Itza has received 0 votes.

I wish there was some way to match up the votes with geography -- where the voters reside. Without any comments on why they chose the ones they did, can't really say alot. Machu Picchu would have received my vote IF I had voted followed by the Great Wall of china. Why? I love remote locations away from the crowds. The Ruins of Chicken Itza would probably have been my third choice for the same reason -- away from the crowds.

How has Harry Potter affected your reading habits?

20 votes

This one surprised me. I had heard so much about how Harry Potter and made people who did not like to read into readers. But the poll shows that of the 20 votes, 14 loved to read before ever reading Harry Potter. I would be in this group also. The other 6 liked to read some but Harry Potter increased their love of reading. Maybe the ones who started to read because of Harry Potter still don't like reading other things including my blog?

Did Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows disappoint you?

13 votes.

The early votes were all disappointed but later voters not as much. Currently 8 of the readers are disappointed, 4 are not (2 of whom loved the book) and 1 neutral

What is your Favorite of the Harry Potter Books?

9 votes

I was surprised here. Half-Blood Prince leads the way with 3 votes; Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire both received 2 votes; Order of the Phoenix 1 and Deathly Hallows 1.

Which is your least favorite of the Harry Potter Books?

10 votes

Again I was surprised. Chamber of Secrets and Goblet of Fire tied with 3 votes each. Order of the Phoenix received 2 and Deathly Hallows 2.

Polls are still open so if you haven't voted, feel free to vote. If you have voted and want to explain your choices, just send me a comment and I'll add it.

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